Below you will find some of my favorite products that I've used in my garden and demonstrated on my YouTube Channel. You don't need many, if any, tools to have a beautiful and productive garden, but some things just make life easier and get the task done quicker!

I only list products I have personally tested and feel would bring value to you or your gardening experience. Many of the following links are affiliate links, which means if you click on one of them and purchase an item, I'll receive a small commission at no cost to you. I truly thank you for your support. It means the world to me and helps me spend more time creating content for you!


5% Coupon Off a Vego Raised Metal Garden Bed

Purchase a revolutionary raised metal garden bed with an estimated life of 20 years! Vego Garden beds are both stylish and functional, which is one of the primary reasons I keep adding more to my garden.

Eley Garden Hoses and Reels

Eley designs and manufactures by far some of the best garden hoses, reels, and accessories on the market. Look closely in your local garden center an you'll likely see an Eley hose reel next time you're there. Eley's products are unmatched in terms of quality and performance. I've been using their products since 2017 and have never been disappointed with any's performance, and if you do they have an excellent extended warranty and customer service!

Dewalt 20V Max XR Drill

I invested in a heavy duty drill to use my garden auger below. Not all drills will do the job in the heavy clay soil I have. The Dewalt has never let me down and is sometimes even caked with mud and dirt!

Power Planter Garden Auger

I've been using the Power Planter for years! In combination with my DeWalt drill I'm able to get things planted so much quicker in my heavy clay soil. They come in a multitude of sizes from small bulb planters to gallon or more size planters. It's a definite must have in my garden.


The ProPlugger is another indespensible tool in my garden. I used it extensively to plant bulbs or small plugs of plants. If you have a spreading lawn, it is an excellent solution to move healthy plugs of your existing lawn to damaged areas helping the lawn heal quicker and more effectively.

DeWitt Pro Weed Barrier

I put this under tools, because it is just that. While I don't promote landscape fabric for use in landscape beds, it does have its purposes and is the best on the market at weed and grass suppression.


If you're interested in drip irrigation, I highly recommend you check out my Drip 101 video on YouTube linked below. You'll find the basics of all the supplies you need to get started, how to assemble them, and helpful tips along the way.

Orbit B-hyve Wifi Timer

If you don't have a sprinkler system at your home, the Orbit is the perfect companion to help you get started with drip irration successfully. There are manual timers available on the market, but this allows you to easily customize scheduling and turn off the irrigation for rain events! What more could you ask for? I have two devices in my garden and will be adding another this summer!

Rain Bird Drip Irrigation Supplies

If you've watched my Drip 101 video, you know I use almost exclusively RainBird drip irrigation supplies. There are other brands on the market, but I've not been able to find them easily and RainBird offers one of the most extensive lines of irrigation supplies available.


Neptune's Harvest Fish & Seaweed Organic Fertilizer

I primarily use this organic fertilizer on my vegetable seed starts. It works wonderfully in a low concentration to give the seedlings everything they need until they make their way outside in the garden.

Osmocote Slow Release Fertilizer

An inorganic fertilizer I use in all my annuals throughout the season and when I seed start. It provides a slow release feed to the plants over numerous months and has really helped my plants perform all season.

MaxiGro Inorganic Fertilizer

While marketed as a hydroponic fertilizer, I use this as a fertilizer for my houseplants throughout the year with excellent results.